Happy Birthday Betty!

I’m not a poet and I know it. So, I asked the AI poet to write me a love poem for Betty’s birthday. A little flowery, but the words are true for me:

To Betty, on Her Special Day

In the quiet of dawn, when the sun first peeks,
I pen these words, my heart’s secrets it speaks.
For today, dear Betty, is your day of grace,
A celebration of love, in this sacred space.

Your laughter, a melody that dances on air,
Your kindness, a warmth that no one can compare.
In your eyes, I find constellations aglow,
Each twinkle a promise, a love that will grow.

Betty, you’re the sunbeam that kisses the dew,
The moon’s gentle whisper, the sky’s deepest blue.
Your smile, a canvas where dreams come alive,
And your touch, a symphony that makes my heart thrive.

On this day, let’s weave memories anew,
In the tapestry of time, just me and you.
With every heartbeat, a wish whispered true,
May joy, love, and laughter forever imbue.

So, raise a glass, let laughter fill the air,
For Betty, it’s your day, and we all declare:
Happy birthday, dear soul, may blessings unfold,
In this love-filled journey, as our story is told.

7 Comments on “Happy Birthday Betty!

  1. Happy Birthday Betty…

    a decent poem,but can AI give her a hug!


  2. Happy birthday to a terrifically friendly, loving, caring prayer warrior, and she is lovely, too! Cannot compete with Ai version though. Have a wonderful cruise . Love, Noel >


  3. Betty – Happy Birthday!!!! You and Dan have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures! All the animals are fine and we are all getting our exercise! Progress being made on backyard! Should be completely done before you get back. Jessie is a pleasure and very popular with all the dogs! 

    Love you both and ENJOY & RELAX!!!

    Susan and all the poopers send our love!


  4. Happy Birthday beautiful lady!! I pray it was an amazing day for you!! Love, Jacquie


  5. Careful Dan, Betty might make a digital switch between you and Art Imig (AI).

    Gary D


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